With the turn of the calendar to November, some of you may elect to grow facial hair for a worthy cause. One of these causes is called #Movember.
In 2003, two friends from Melbourne, Australia discussed how the mustache had disappeared from male fashion trends. That year they got a total of 30 men to take up the challenge of growing mustaches. Realizing what a conversation starter they had stumbled upon, the following year, they elected to once again grow their mustaches but also to create a website to encourage others to do the same and raise money for the Prostate Cancer Society of Australia. In this second year, a total of 480 individuals (called Mo Bros and Mo Sistas) agreed to participate and approximately $41,000 in donations were raised.
In 2006, #Movember spreads to New Zealand, and the following year, the United States affiliate launched to benefit the Prostate Cancer Foundation. As of 2019, a total of 6.3 million Mo Bros and Mo Sistas have participated and supported the movement and funded over 1,250 men's projects since inception.
If you're thinking of participating in #Movember this year, we'd love to see those mustaches! We know the team over at CS Velo Racing rock some amazing mustaches! If you're participating, feel free to send us pictures so we can feature them on our blog and Instagram!
And when you're grooming the rest of your face, be sure to do so with Brave Shave! Protect your face from your razor while moisturizing your skin as you shave!