

Hiking and Skincare

17th Jun 2014

Hiking and Skincare
For many, the backpacking season opens in March or April with the annual pilgrimage that many begin to make from Spring Mountain, Georgia to Katahdin in Maine, along the Appalachian Trail. Each year b … read more

Callous Challenges

12th May 2014

Callous Challenges
Are kettle bells, pull-up bars, and barbells a regular part of your workout of the day? If so, the chances are you are spending time cross-training or at a crossfit style gym. As a crossfit style athl … read more

Attacking Acne

15th Jan 2014

Acne is one of the most common skin disorders in America, with over 25 million people affected. Acne and pimples are caused when dead skin cells and oil combine on the face, and it is at this point th … read more